Under eye wrinkles: How To Avoid Them.

Under eye wrinkles: How To Avoid Them.

The under-eye area is one of the most sensitive and thinnest part of the skin. Therefore it is more prone to aging. Hyperpigmentation, under-eye bags, and creased skin - are the most common complaints. Whereas the under-eye area deprived of sebaceous glands and has a thin lipid layer it’s exposed to dehydration. Dehydrated skin lacks elasticity and more sensitive to UV exposure. In this article we are going to discuss the best procedures and products directed to preventing age-relating changes. Relying on scientific data, these changes around the eyes are more likely to appear at 25-30 years old.

1. Why does it happen? 

As we stated earlier, the skin under our eyes is much more thinner, around 4 to 5 times thinner than on the rest face. As we age, our body loses collagen and elastin, these are the two main proteins that are responsible for youthful appearance.

By lowering the amount of these proteins in our skin, it will look wrinkled and flabby.

The reasons behind fast aging are include:

  • Lower collagen production. When getting older, our skin tends to lose the ability to produce collagen, which weakens the skin structure.
  • Lipid and moisture loss. Dry skin cannot keep the moisture, therefore it worsens and deepens wrinkles.
  • UV exposure. UV-lights are the main cause of under eye wrinkling. 
  • Active facial expressions. Frequent blinking and smiling can easily crease the skin and cause under eye bags or “crow’s feet”.
  • Poor microcirculation. Mature skin has poor blood and lymph microcirculation that leads to excessive swelling.

Best procedures for under eye area.

Modern cosmetology offers many procedures to reduce or even prevent such problems. Let’s take a look at the most effective ones:

Hyaluronic acid injections:

It’s considered of the most common procedures for wrinkle correction or skin hydration. Hyaluronic acid is a natural way to hold more moisture in the skin for more volume. It also helps with increasing elasticity as well.

Research shows that HA not only moisturizes the skin but also stimulates collagen production. You can read more about Hyaluronic acid’s benefits in ➡️ our article

Why does Hyaluronic acid help?

- Crow’s feet correction and other facial wrinkles.

- Filling of empty spaces under the eyes. 

- Skin hydration improving

Botulinum therapy.

Injections of type A botulinum toxin can help relax the facial muscles in the eye area, which prevents the development of wrinkles or reduces them.

Botox is especially effective for horizontal wrinkles in the eye area.

Laser Procedures with fraction-CO2 and erbium-lasers.

Fraction lasers such as CO2 and erbium laser contributes to rejuvenating the skin. It happens because of the collagen production stimulation and cell-renewal.

Lasers are used for bettering the skin structure,  contract wrinkles and reduce hyperpigmentation. Fraction lasers affect the skin on a much deeper level compared to skin care products by stimulating cell regeneration.

Laser treatment helps with microcirculation which reduces the under eye bags as well as swelling.

Clinical trials show that fraction lasers are one of the most effective ways for skin anti aging.

Mesotherapy and bio-revitalization.

This procedures are aimed for injecting the special cocktails with active components. The main ingredients contain Hyaluronic acid, amino acids, vitamins and antioxidants. They’re fulfilling the skin with necessary micronutrients which helps hydrate it. With increased nutrients skin’s tissue is recovering faster and therefore looks younger.

Look up our article where we discussed this treatment more deeply and the best products for it: 

Bio-revitalization on the other hand, facilitates skin elasticity after just one injection!


RF-lifting is a simple non-invasive procedure that stimulates collagen reconstruction due to radio frequency. It encourages face lifting, wrinkle contraction and overall betterment of the skin structure.

RF-lifting is absolutely pain-free and there’s non need for rehabilitation which is why it’s so popular amongst patients.

3. The most effective products for preventing crow’s feet:

Before any injections or invasive treatments, you can use this products to avoid any problems in the first place.

Here’s the key ingredients in every beauty product you should search for when choosing your skin care:


Retinoids are not only acne healing products but because of the fact that retinoids are vitamin’s A derivatives makes them also effective for preventing unwanted wrinkling.


Peptides are simply just amino acids chains. This chains are considered “bricks” of our body. And from that you can already imagine what this things are capable of. Skin rejuvenation, elastin and collagen production, break down the pigments and it’s just a small amount of their potential.

No wonder peptides are the most common components in anti aging creams!

Antioxidants such as vitamin C and E.

Antioxidants protects skin from free radicals which can harm and damage cells and this can lead to premature aging.

Vitamin C is one of the strongest antioxidants and is used as skin whitening product as well. Vitamin E boosts the protective function in the skin and works as a hydration agent too.

In conclusion, the under-eye area is one of the most delicate regions of the face, making it more susceptible to aging, dehydration, and other skin issues. While factors such as UV exposure, facial expressions, and poor microcirculation contribute to the development of wrinkles and puffiness, modern cosmetic treatments offer numerous solutions. From hyaluronic acid injections and botulinum therapy to advanced laser treatments and RF-lifting, there are a variety of effective ways to rejuvenate and protect the skin under the eyes. Additionally, incorporating scientifically backed skincare products with ingredients like retinoids, peptides, and antioxidants can significantly slow down the aging process and prevent further damage. Taking a proactive approach, both in terms of in-office treatments and daily skincare, will help maintain youthful, healthy-looking skin around the eyes for years to come.